Hey friends - hope all good :)
Thank you so much for making the Listening Party last night so much fun - was great to see such a big crowd, really appreciate you all making Brendon feel so welcome to the label and have such a positive experience at his first session.
Thank you too for the amazing support for Mirage, we peaked at the fourth bestselling album on Bandcamp, any format, any genre - it’s impossible to put into words my appreciation for your on-going support and generosity - thank you!
As I’m sure you know, it’s Bandcamp Friday today, where they waive their percentage fee for each sale, so more goes to the artists. So today’s a good day to pick up anything from us or anyone else.
qd24 CDs still selling fast so if you want one, they’re still around - all our other digital and in-stock items are available here too.
Remember if you bought a CD to message me for the private link to the long-form download - always my favourite way to listen, the album exactly as the artist intended.
As Neil Mason says about Brendon’s album in today’s Moonbuilding (see below) - “This really is one where the continuous mix on the CD will reap large rewards.”
Big thanks to Neil for including qd24 in this week’s edition - Moonbuilding really is one of the best weekly reads for new music - he’s a true fan and proper journalist so I highly recommend subscribing and, if possible, pledging your support too.
We need to look out for each other in the music and arts communities, we’re better together x
Also a mention for one of the highlights of the gig calendar, this weekend’s Levitation festival organised by the awesome Castles In Space.
If you can get to Bedford tomorrow you’re in for a day of next-level music - The Mistys (one half being the genius behind qd10 Tape Loop Orchestra), Jo Johnson, Loula Yorke (qd19), Paul Cousins, A’Bear, System 7, James Holden, Twilight Sequence, Stone Anthem, James Adrian Brown, Graham Dunning & DJ Food, Field Lines Cartographer (qd02), Nik Colk Void, Polypores, Warrington-Runcorn, New Town Development Plan.
Wow. Just incredible - plenty of quiet details artists mixed with other brilliant musicians - not many tickets left so grab one here if you can make it.
Read more here about the event and the some of the music CiS has been putting out lately - more good Bandcamp Friday tips!
Much love friends and thanks for everything :)
quiet details Bandcamp
quiet details Substack
quiet details studios - mastering and audio services