Last day of half price, anthéne studio chat and loads more shout-outs!
Plus CD pics from fans and Blue Sky link x
Hi friends!
Huge thanks again for the support so far for qd08 anthéne, been a fantastic week since the release, ended up getting to eighth place on the all genres/all formats best-seller charts on Bandcamp - that’s number eight on the entire platform in a week of loads of other big releases - amazing to see!
Massive appreciation from Brad and me - so pleased you love this album as much as I do x
Today’s the last day of digital half-price and just a few CDs left (with the very special long-form version and, bespoke pack and fine-art print of the artwork).
Anyone that’s already bought the CD remember you can email me for download code for the mix so you can listen however you like :)
One thing that really struck me when I heard the album was the beautiful depth and ethereal quality of the sound design, it’s a consistent feature of anthéne’s music so I spoke to Brad about his process. Maybe it’s of interest to some of you, this is what he said:
“It was mostly guitar (Guild Starfire and Fender Starcaster) with some effects pedals (Electro Harmonix POG, Electro Harmonix Mel9, Vongon Ultrasheer, Cooper FX Gen Loss, Tomkat Cloudy, Earthquaker Devices Avalanche Run, Strymon El Capistan). I also used a lap steel on a few bits, as well as bowed glockenspiel and a tongue drum. Additional recordings were added from a cassette recorder as well as my cell phone."

So a masterclass in textural manipulation and arrangement, his words for the physical edition sum this up perfectly:
Embracing imperfections.
Finding aural balance with amplified hiss, static and white noise in unison with melody. Magnifying the smaller details.
So pleased this album’s part of the series, I’ve been listening to anthéne for years and this interpretation is as wonderful as I’d imagined.
Now some shout-outs - unsurprisingly there are a quite a few as the love for the album is strong!
Headphone Commute review - beautiful words from one of the best.
The article also includes a review of the latest album by bvdub, responsible for the breath-taking qd04, and what a stunning album it is.
A mention in Shawn Reynaldo’s excellent First Floor newsletter - another proper journalist who’s new book is also great - highly recommended!
While we’re talking about journalists that do it properly, Neil’s right up there. Great support as always - and pre-orders open now for the latest edition of Moonbuilding mag too - his collab with the mighty Castles in Space - they very kindly featured qd as the ‘label they love’ for this mag and interviewed me. I also made an exclusive Fields we Found track just for them - check it out on Bandcamp x
The always awesome Richard on the E-Lodie show
The excellent Stu with his Four Larks and a Wren show and BNDCMPR links
New friends Listencorp for featuring ‘the way we drift’ as their track of the week
And we’d truly be nothing without our fans - I’m still overwhelmed by how so many of you music lovers out there have taken us to heart and support what we do.
Love love love seeing pics of the CDs landing - here are some for qd08 - still humbled that people take the time to do this, so grateful for it.
So as usual - you’re all amazing, so much love and more soon!
Promo’s just gone out for qd09 - I had to pick myself up off the floor when I first heard it… Very, very special - release date 11th October - keep a look out for some early previews between now and then!
Much love
Oh and if any of you are on Blue Sky, we’ve recently joined up so come and say hi. Here’s the link and also with everything else via the Linktree below. So far there’s a nice vibe over there - lots of friends and music folk have recently joined.
quiet details Bandcamp
quiet details Substack
quiet details studios - mastering and audio services